Tuesday 18 June 2013


My little baby graduated from nursery today, I still have to get used to saying 'my' instead of 'ours' ..it was lovely, but pretty heart turning, another stark reminder of just how much that man left behind, my Little Sophie is 5 tommorow, the years have flown by...I look at pictures of when she was born, bang on 6lbs, little princess, back then things where so different........shes going to have an amazing day tommorow, and I WILL NOT fall apart, I cant, but I dont know, theres something about Sophie, shes so young...all the kids are young, but still I wonder what she will ever remember of daddy, if anything, when she is older? that man was a prick, and yet I sit again having to try and piece things back together....birthdays these year are the hardest, so much harder than words..............

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