Sunday 14 April 2013

f*ck it....happy lists!

right people do bucket list dont they...heres mine well to start with anyway

1.Make my babies smile everyday

2.Sort the house out - make it unique, and stomp on that one image..which means knocking down walls!

3. sort summer - this summer will be amazing

4. start a 'happy book' I am doing this tommorow..starting with our holiday, that was wonderful

5. dont look back!

6. travel with the kids, i want them to see different countries, different cultures, different ways of the world

7. sort the garden, its a bombsite when it could be beautiful

8. visit people who car/ people i havent met before who have been an impact in my life for years!

9. shake off the dead wood and focus on those who really do give a shit

10. have the biggest bestest birthday party the kids have ever seen - saturday 11th of kids want a party they are gonna get a party!!

11.Turn 30 with a smile on  my face and more confidence in myself - life will begin at 30! my 30's will be awesome!!

12. Love unconditionally!

13. Learn - start an open university course, he stopped me, he cant stop me now!

14. Re -Open and re focus on my business

15. help others - i dont think theres any young widows support groups up here so i am going to start one!

16. the biggest one - smile everyday, because i have a lot to be thankful for!

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