Sunday, 13 October 2013

Moving on

Well I haven't posted on here for such a long time I moved away from the island not because of anybody other than myself and really feeling I needed to be away for a while, it wasn't working and god only knows I tried, I miss my friends - my real friends, but in honesty the kids are so much happier down here, they have relatives around they can go and visit, they are all in new schools, one reason I guess I am writing this is I know you read it I am not stupid! As far as I am concerned people drift apart, people get hurt, people move on, there's no story to have any sides too! I have so much bigger things to deal with, please stop! It's really not called for! I don't even really know where it all went wrong but you guys should understand that my focus is my babies will always be my babies, it's really not nice to move away then still hear the jungle drums, let us live in peace, you still have your family your life up there embrace it, be happy