Monday, 27 May 2013

fuck you

I am cross, I need to switch off, I need to stop hurting myself, i need to calm wanker :( you total utter WANKER!! and yes swearing isnt very ladylike, but if you treated me like a lady then you would have thought of ME and the impact it would have in My life finding you there just like a fucking woman...I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHY ME, WHY ME, WHY ME, WHY ME, WHY ME, WHY THE FUCK ME???????????????????????/ YOU SELFISH SELFISH MAN!!!!


  1. whilst appreciating the fact that you hate me (am sure you can figure it out) it hurts to see you this way. we are there for you no matter what you think . it wasnt your fault, just look at your babies and remember that, you will get through it and you will be stronger in the end but it is not going to be easy.xx you been through more than anyone should have to but please please try to remain strong as a lot of people love you all even if you dont think it xx

  2. I dont HATE anyone other than the person who has left us like this, life is too short, what I dont like is rumours and hear say from lots of different people, I couldn't care less about me but when things are said then things are going to get back to my children, i need to protect them thats my job, thats my focus.

  3. I've only ever heard Linzi use the "hate" word when referring to one person and that isn't you!!! You are doing a wonderful job hunni, you are allowed to be angry, pissed off, upset...whatever you are feeling at any particular time. It's all part of healing!! Love you loads...oh it's Maureen btw just in case my name doesn't show up ;)

    1. hiya hunni xxxxx a day at a time, couldn't do it without you you all xxxxx shall see you soon...I can here those hot chocs calling :) xxxx
