Monday, 10 June 2013


Its been a horrible week, not gone a day without collapsing in a big heap, my health is causing me so many problems right now, its scary :( 5 kids and a poorly mummy is not easy.......trying to get stronger, trying to get better..but fighting a loosing battle, I feel like I am closing off from the world more...going into hiding I guess, I hope these feelings of horrible uselessness pass quickly.......I know there are people in the world who care, I just dont FEEL it right now, I just feel numb, numb and really body is sore.........but I guess I am still breathing, still here, should quit moaning.........self pitying why me? bollocks.........dust yourself off and take each day as it comes....such a cliche, maybe one day that next day wont come.

1 comment:

  1. You sound fed up today and after your holiday was so upbeat!! Looking after five kids isn't easy, been there as a single parent. Their dad didn't want to know and thats hard for them too, knowing he is around but not interested. Just look at them playing and smiling and tucked up at night and you will gain strength. Get that positive mood back, you're doing great, and try reaching out to the unexpected, you never know when a new friend is round the corner :-)
